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Please Click on Photo to find a description for reference.
Limestone block with bowl - H60cm W60cm
Amore Birdbath Rust Verdigris - H80cm W60cm
Contemporary Birdbath Iron -With Brenda Iron - - H100cm W60cm
Reflection bowl with cube - H55cm W86cm and ball
Casbah Birdbath - H60cm W44cm -
Left: Staddle stone birdbath - H55cm W50cmRight: Small tapered base with dish - H65cm W60cm
Extra Large Reflection BowlHolds 110 lt water3 sizes: 105cm -80cm -,60cm -
Contemporary tall rammed earth - H100cm W60cm
Monk - H120cm W35cm - $380Casbah Birdbath in Rust Verdigris - H60cm W44cm - $140
Two-piece Scalloped Birdbath - and Large Dove -
Limestone block with bowl - W80cm
Small tapered base with Zen top - H65cm W43cm
Small tapered with dish - H65cm W60cm and ball
Tree inlay base with dish - H87cm W60cm
Tall Tapered Birdbath - H70cm W56cm - and Fish Small - H26cm W20cm -
No. 2 reflection blow with no. 2 classic pump surround - H36cm W84cm
Contemporary Birdbath Iron Finish - H100cm W60cm -
Atlas Stones come in three sizes - 55cm, 65cm and 75cm
Left:Limestone block with bowl - H60cm W60cmCentre: Flourish base birdbath - H70cm W60cmRight: Mexican birdbath H76cm W50cm
Scalloped Low Two-Piece - and Toucan Rust Verdigris -
Low cone base with dish - H60cm W60cm and Lotus Buddha H65cm W44cm
Flourish base with Zen top - H75cm W43cm
Quan Yin kneeling - H80cm W35cm
Flourish base with Zen top - H75cm W43cm and ball
Mexican bird bath - H76cm W50cm
Contemporary tall rammed earth with Art nouveau lady - H100cm W63cm
Bespoke birdbath add an element of nature to your garden these beautiful bird baths start from only at 40cm upwards
Left: Tall tapered plinth with bowl - W80cmRight: Bollard large - H50cm W40cmBack: Small tapered base with dish - H65cm W60cm
Toad small - H8cm W10cm
Small tapered base with dish - H65cm W60cm
This is a massive 110cm shallow bowl
No. 2 Reflection bowl and no. 2 classic pump surround - H36cm W84cm
Large shell birdbath - H60cm W80cm and medium seahorse
Limestone block with bowl - H60cm W66cm
Belly rimmed large base with extra large top H66cm W80cm
80cm bowl with tall tapered plinth
Dancers Birdbath - H80cm W57cm
Zen extra large top - H80cm W63cm
Lizard birdbath - H65cm W60cm
Reflection bowl with low cone base - H60cm W80cm
Pond koi large, medium and small - 20cm, 15cm and 10cm
Flourish base birdbath - H70cm W60cm
Madras birdbath and bowl - H65cm W63cm
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Phone: 0418826905
180 main road McLaren Vale.